The Wedgwood Society of Washington D.C. was formed in 2000 to promote the education and enjoyment of Wedgwood collectors in the mid-Atlantic area. Wedgwood enthusiasts and collectors meet several times a year to share their research in the form of lectures, newsletters and other educational forums. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Wedgwood . Our meetings are open to the public and we welcome all who appreciate the art and timeless beauty of Wedgwood.

Join the WSWDC
We welcome all those interested in learning about Wedgwood.
Our in-person meetings and lectures are free and open to all. Meetings are normally held at the Total Wine McLean, Virginia and conclude with refreshments and complimentary wine tasting.
Currently we are presenting our lectures and meetings on the ZOOM platform to our members in good standing. One benefit of the ZOOM meetings is allowing our out of town members to join us.
Your membership also includes a subscription to our informative newsletter the Capital Wedgwoodian.
Join our international membership today. You can join using the convenient PayPal feature below or download our membership form located in the Membership section.
Visit our LINKS page

Upcoming Events

The next WSWDC meeting
will be on Sunday,
March 30, 2025 - 2:00 pm
Lorraine Horn will discuss Leith Hill Place and the Wedgwood Family Connection. She will also speak about the special exhibition which was held at Leith Hill Place in 2017 which displayed a portion of the Wedgwood family collection that now resides with Sir Martin and Lady Sandra Wedgwood.


Contact us with your questions about
the Society and Wedgwood collecting. However, please note that the
WSofWDC cannot provide appraisals
nor purchase collections.