​The WSWDC will hold a minimum of six meetings and events annually. All lecture meetings are free and open to the public and we now offer a hybrid meeting, in person and remote (Zoom) attendance. Our meetings are held at the Total Wine and More meeting room at 1451 Chain Bridge Road McLean, Virginia. Please note this is a different location, this store will enable WSWDC to host hybrid meetings, with both in person and remote attendance member participation via Zoom.
Recent Programs
September 29, 2024
Lecture: Nicola Scott, Joseph Mayer (1803–1886): Portrait of a Victorian Wedgwood Collector (virtual)
November 10, 2024
Lecture: Paul Scott, Wedgwood’s American Transferware Patterns: New American Scenery, Archives, and Insights (virtual)
January 19, 2025
Lecture: Michael Ruddy on Unpacking the V&A Wedgwood Collection (virtual)
​​​Past Programs
May 12, 2024
WSWDC Show & Tell - Zoom Meeting
On May 12, 2024 WSWDC held it's popular Show and Tell via Zoom and members shared their recent acquisitions and interesting items from their collections. Those that had mystery pieces were able to get further information that helped research their Wedgwood treasures.
As always, a good time was had by all!
November 5, 2023​
The Wedgwood Service for Fath Ali Shah Qajar
WSWDC Guest speaker: Hina Zaidi
On November 5, 2023 the WSWDC welcomed Hina Zaidi who presented her research into the beautiful and unique Wedgwood services made for Persian ruler Fath Ali Shah Qajar. Wedgwood’s services for Fath Ali Shah Qajar were the only armorial services made by the firm for a non-Western monarch and the two patterns are reminiscent of Persian floral designs. Pieces from both Wedgwood services for the Shah are in public and private collections worldwide.
September 10, 2023​
Wedgwood Influenced artists at the Baltimore Museum of Art
WSWDC member & Guest speaker: Brittany Luberda
Local WSWDC members gathered at Total Wines- McLean and remote members joined via Zoom. Brittany Luberda from the Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA) presented a lively lecture and discussed two upcoming exhibitions featuring women artists who were influenced by, or worked for, Wedgwood. Recasting Colonialism: Michelle Erickson Ceramics. Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe, 1400-1800 running from from October 1, 2023 to January 7, 2024. The exhibition will feature objects from the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries that reflect the multifaceted and often overlooked ways that women contributed to the visual arts of Europe, from painting to ceramics.
May 7, 2023​
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Society activities include:
Scholarly lectures by Wedgwood authorities and collection archivists
Presentations by specialized Wedgwood antiques dealers
Society members are invited to participate in interactive show & tell sessions
Opportunities for private sales, auctions, and appraisals
Exhibitions and private home tours
Informative meetings and other special events
Annual events will include silent auctions, summer socials and other special programs that highlight and promote the study and collection of Wedgwood
Special exhibits
Summer Social & Sale
Silent Auctions
Appraisal Days
Museum Exhibitions & Display
Meetings conclude with refreshments and complimentary wine tastings
WedgwSociety of Washington DC

Brittany Luberda

Baltimore Museum of Art- Michelle Erickson Ceramics

Hina Zaidi
BMA FASQ bowls - side by side
Smear glazed potpourri
Sold as a stick shift knob, determined
to be a walking stick handle